strike preformance

Today we went to the strike preformance its friday

they played precussoin instraments i think i dont know if they were called that but there was a biscut tin as one of the instramants

Urmi and matua travis had a drum battle it was a tie/draw

there was 3 people in the band 2 boys and 1 girl i forgot there names^-^

my reviue is 100o099000009887653445246725473 out of 10

they played with fire i dont know if it was real^-^


Digital Creates

for Monday mashup I picked digital create

I created an animal for the options.

I made two sheep there names is sherp and smeep.

The big one is sherp and the little one is smeep.

I was gonna do a duck but I kept messing up on it.



I made a phenic fox for the second animal, I was going to make a cow but it was too hard.

the duck is my 5th attempt on doing one but I got it first try today, his name is Mr qaukles.

the phenic fox is Marley, she took 1 try too I thought she would take 3 or 4 trys.

I made another animal its a dinosaor.

its a brontosaurus his name is Frank.

he has a bow tie and a top hat.


Once there was a girl called weni and she got given a piece of land and she did not know what to do with it and then she went to bed and she dreamed about a kōwhi tree and she told her firends  about she was going to plant a kōwhi tree but her firends Laughed at her and said kōwhi trees do not groo in the hot land but that did not stop her to palant a kōwhi tree




in the. Holidays

Me and my brother and my brother’s friend played Simon says and me and my brother won       And i saw my brother and we played and we had so mach fan we were so happy                My brother ate nothing and i ate grapes and crckers

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